Director attends First Asia Hemp Summit
Medical Kiwi Director, Peter Win attended the First Asia Hemp Summit in Hong Kong at the end of June, which brought together cannabis industry pioneers from around the world.
“It was really beneficial to hear many of the keynote speakers talk about the exciting developments their companies are making in medicinal cannabis products and treatments,” says Peter. “The highlight for me was hearing from an American company who are making significant advances in cannabis research, particularly around post-traumatic-stress disorder and anxiety.”
Another area of interest was a presentation from a company whose strategic focus is on the development of evidence-based cannabinoid-derived pharmaceutical and nutraceutical products for companion animals.
“Much of what was shared in the presentations has direct application to our own development and opportunities. It was an excellent opportunity to identify collaboration opportunities with international companies further down the process who could help Medical Kiwi to develop and thrive,” says Peter.