Medicinal Cannabis CUMCS Certification Achieved
Medical Kiwi is pleased to announce today that have achieved Control Union Medicinal Cannabis Standard (CUMCS) Certification. CUMCS is a global certification standard for medicinal cannabis certification. The goal of the standard is to ensure the best quality and consistency in the production process.
“This is a huge achievement for the team, and a significant step towards achieving Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP), the gold standard in cannabis cultivation and production. We are on track to achieve GMP early 2023 which will confirm Medical Kiwi as a leading supplier of pharmaceutical grade medicinal cannabis to the world.” Moses Nasalo (Medical Kiwi, CEO).
A growing number of countries have implemented legal frameworks for the cultivation and use of medicinal cannabis, with the UN officially recognising the medical value of cannabis in December 2020. Consequently, international markets require strict adherence to quality systems and cultivation procedures with independent verification for compliance by third parties considered essential practice in the industry.
The CUMCS standard serves as a practical manual for Good Agriculture Practice (GAP) of medicinal cannabis anywhere in the world and allows for objective auditing by qualified auditors. The CUMCS standard has also been benchmarked against the Israeli Medical Cannabis Standard (IMC-GAP) as being fully equivalent, so Medical Kiwi is immediately able to export products to the mature Israel medicinal cannabis market.
The CUMCS standard is based on:
- The World Health Organisation (WHO) guidelines: WHO Guidelines on good agricultural & collection practices (GACP) for medicinal plants – Geneva 2003
- European Medicines Agency (EMA GACP): guideline on Good Agricultural and Collection Practice (GACP) for starting materials of herbal origin(July 2005);
- Guidelines of the Dutch Government for Cannabis for Medical Use: Guidelines for cultivating cannabis for medicinal purposes, Nederland, December 2002;
- International Standard for Good Agriculture Practice: GLOBALG.A.P. IFA 4.0 (FV), March 2013.
- IMC-GAP: Israeli Medical Cannabis Good Agricultural Practices
With Good Agricultural and Collection Practices (GACP) having already being achieved in February 2022, Medical Kiwi is pleased to be achieving these important certifications within the planned timeframes.